Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Kilbourne's hypothesis is that portraying men and women as sex objects in advertising is dangerous because it both consciously and subconsiously degrades members of our society. She also believes that the degrading of the women in society is more concerning than men because woman are already treated as a lesser class than men in that their role in society is stereotyped even outside of the media as a lowly housewife working at menial tasks as the man goes out into the world to bring home the bacon. Although I agree that to a certain extent these commercials have a degrading effect on people, especially those who struggle with self-esteem issues and are not confident in their appearance or actions, I find Kilbourne's point about the status of women clearly shows the bias she has on the subject. Kilbourne was recognized one of the greatest Feminists who Changed America from 1963 to 1975 by the Veteran Feminists of America, and I believe her feminist values led to her alleging a more painful situation for women.

1 comment:

Seth said...

I really liked your blog more than most of the others because you actually discussed the topic no others seemed to touch, and that was the seemingly large bias of Kilbourne. Though I also agree that these commercials may have a slight effect on some men, she seemed to give the sense that once a man saw the commercial he would instantly go rape a village. I had not realized that she had been recognized by the society you mentioned, which makes her bias all the more clear. Good blog.