Monday, February 15, 2010

Pyksher Prehzehntayshuns

Two particular advertisement segments presented while I was in class on Wednesday were ads that Marcus presented from his favorite magazines. I thought this was a very unique and cool way to look at advertising, as nobody else in the class (to my knowledge at least) used magazines to find examples of rhetoric within advertising. I especially found Marcus' work impressive due to the subject matter. I know nothing about "Not Your Daughter's Jeans" or what they stand for in American culture, but Marcus seemed to know his material very well, almost as if he were a consumer of such jeans. Once again I was very impressed with his work on the magazine articles and hope to see more fantastic work from him in the future.

1 comment:

Marcus van der Meulen said...

Thank you Brian. I am quite the avid In Style reader, and I do enjoy a nice pair of snug fitting jeans. Not Your Daughters Jeans really do make me look a full size smaller.f