Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blahk Boi

Richard Wright's younger self has an intense hunger because of his lack of knowledge and desire to learn. Wright continuously expresses himself in negative ways, but not because he is trying to be a bad person. It is because Wright is trying to learn about things and he has no other way to discover the world around him but to "set the curtains on fire just to see what would happen." Richard is obviously a very intellectual individual, and it is very sad that such an early age, he has no other way to represent his thirst for knowledge, and one can hardly blame him for the circumstances he is.

1 comment:

Molly Sanders said...

Woo hoo! You did your blog! I think that you are right that Richard Wright has an intense hunger because of his lack knowledge and desire to learn. However, I think the major aspect of his hunger was emotional. The emotional hunger represses Richard’s life because he seems to desire attention, but doesn’t get it in his home environment and doesn’t really know how to associate well with others because of it. I agree that it is sad that at such an early age, he has no other way to represent his thirst for knowledge.