Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mahrfa Stooourt

In looking for a present day comparison to what Martha Stewart was at the time the article by Margaret Talbot was written, Oprah Winfrey would be an obvious choice because of her wide and powerful influence of her audience with her book club, radio station, and all of the other amenities that come with Oprah. However, Paula Deen comes to mind as another excellent example of televisoin power, and she also directly relates to Martha Stewart through her work in revolutionizing the culinary industry. Deen's story of overcoming her agoraphobia and panic attacks is inspirational, and although her work and audience are on a slightly smaller scale than Martha's, Paula still has a great deal of sway with her food-loving audience members. Her Southern charm and easygoing nature make her very attractive to viewers and give her a somewhat trustworthy aura, something that anyone wishing to gain power needs to have. Not only is she my favorite chef, she's also the one celebrity I feel like if I ever had a problem, she would listen to me and help me through the tough times. XOXO Paula

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