Monday, February 8, 2010

Ingeighgyng the Tekst

I find the term mass media to be very interesting in that I don't believe that there should be a media for an entire mass of people. What I like about our society is that there are so many different media outlets that an individual can pick and choose what he or she wants to believe or listen to. Therefore I really don't like the use of the blanket word "media" to describe all forms of sources of information and entertainment. Are there parts of media that distort our "perceptions of social inequality"? Of course. However, there are parts of media that enhance our perceptions and help shape our opinions positively. There are extremes on both ends of everything, and generalizations of "the media" don't do anybody any good. As far as credit card debt, "the media" encourages consumers to spend money. Period. Of course there are specific ads that require a credit card for purchase. But nobody, implicitly or explicitly, sits around thinking "Today, I want to put lots of people into massive credit card debt." That's absolutely ludicrous. The general public needs to grow up and realize that "the media" isn't out to get them, it just doesn't care.

1 comment:

Marcus van der Meulen said...

Brian, I strongly agree with your opinion on the misuse of a blanket term on the media. There is great problem with people today generalizing the ideas of the media, when really there is a plethora of niches out there for each and every view that you may have. I found your blog both interesting and thought provoking. Keep up the good work sir.