Friday, November 20, 2009

Yoshino Rhetorical Triangle

Purpose- To inform the societal dominant groups of the covering plight of minority groups

Exigence- Yoshino has been forced to cover during much of his adult life due to his sexuality not neccesarily being accepted by the mainstream

Audience- Although Yoshino does not necessarily believe in a mainstream, he believes that the group of people that would most likely represent the mainstream of society

Credibility- His experiences as a gay man covering in society as well as the accounts of real people that he has interviewed

Logic- His belief that there is a consistent pressure of minority groups to conform to the social norms within our society.

Emotion- He is exposing a major subjugation of the minority groups within our society

Imagery- Because he does not believe the mainstream exists, Yoshino is forced to paint a picture of what he believes that the mainstream would look like had it existed

Figurative Language- The language he uses is actually very literal

Syntax- His sentence structure is fairly standard, creating a simple easy-to-understand storyline

Diction- His word use is fairly simple, making it easier to understand the clear point he is attempting to get across

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are over simplifying Yoshino's argument