Monday, November 30, 2009

Uhphermuhtivv Akshun Update 11/30

Today I found a great resource that I think is going to prove key for both sides of my affirmative action in college acceptance debate. Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) was a Supreme court case that directly confronted the issue, asking whether or not the judgment based on race that may have kept Barbara Grutter from being accepted into the University of Michigan Law School. The Court majority voted in favor of the law school stating that such judgment was constitutional, with Sandra Day O'Connor writing the majority opinion and Ruth Bader Ginsburg writing a concurrence. Justices Thomas, Kennedy, and Scalia and Chief Justice Rehnquist all wrote dissenting opinions. This case, filled with important statistics and educated opinions, is a vast wealth of information for my paper that may single-handedly take me where I need to go!

Just in case you're curious:

The Oyez Project, Grutter v. Bollinger , 539 U.S. 306 (2003)
available at: (
(last visited Sunday, November 29, 2009).


Kwame Newton said...

Be careful! While the source you've mentioned may have opinions from every angle, relying on it single-handedly to carry your paper would not be a wise decision.

Brian Gramman said...

Kwame- I was using hyperbole to enhance the already power message of my blog. I will not single-handedly rely on any source of information.