Monday, November 2, 2009

Soeshelyz8hun Prahsess

Vincent Parillo's Socialization Process is a process in which individuals acquire what they value, believe, and perceive of different groups of people, usually conforming to the beliefs of their parents or other major role models in youth. The youth in question usually has no other sources of alternatives to the beliefs of his/her parents, so their beliefs are usually accepted as the real ones from a very early age. I believe this process does instill beliefs just from looking at my childhood, and I don't think there is anything wrong with this. It is a parent's responsibility to teach their children wrong from right and how to treat other people. Had my parents been woman-hating white supremacists, I probably would have at least started out as one too! Parillo's socialization process definitely exists in our society, and a cycle of bigotry is created by parents producing hateful children, who then produce hateful children of there own and so on.

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