Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Presher too Sukseed

The meaning behind Kenji Yoshino's statement that "the mainstream is a myth" is that America was built to not have one type of main group or culture but rather have a constantly changing set of beliefs and customs to fit all who live in the country. Yoshino's statement is based on the fact that the United States has had many different "identities" as our country has progressed. Multiple waves of immigration put different faces on what a mainstream American was supposed to look like, so there really is no one permanent set look, act, or feeling of a person who is considered "mainstream." Also, individuals can take upon multiple personalities/identities which can add to the lack of one true identity.
Yoshino is quite credible due to the fact that his personal beliefs and actions would not be considered mainstream and he has suffered from the consequences described in his writings.


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