Thursday, April 29, 2010

Reezistinss n Duhmahkruhsee

Of all the pieces of this country that keep the federal government in check, the resistance of the people is the most important, because without the resistance of individuals and groups against the government, then the government has no limits to what it can do. The main part of resistance in democracy is the voting process itself. Every citizen over 18 can resist a tyrannical maniacal leader by voting them out of office in an election and their is nothing said leader can do about this. This forces the congressmen and individuals with executive power to "act appropriately" and conduct themselves in a manner representative of the people, or at least most of the time. Without this voting privilege, the only other form of resistance is protest, and this is something the government could control with violent repression if there is no chance to vote out anyone. That is obviously an extreme case, but my point is that without the vote, America would be a dictatorial monarchy whose well-being totally depends on the competency of one permanent ruler.

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