Thursday, April 15, 2010

Iht taykz Uh Phammlee

In his piece entitled "It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good", Rick Santorum references an analogy made by a Dr. Horn to explain his views on single-parent families. Dr. Horn compares child-raising to two planes. The first plane (family with a mother and father) almost always gets you where you need to go successfully. The second plane (single-parent family) gets you where you need to go, but less often than the first plane. When reading the passage, I did not find this metaphor to be incredibly earth-shattering. Dr. Horn is only stating what Santorum already had through his use of the results of studies in a much less effective manner. In fact, I found it to be a very silly example to put in the middle of a piece so heavily relying on concrete facts and human reasoning. However, in a very shallow and useless way, I guess the point is still made that mothers and fathers as a parenting team are more effective than single parents.

1 comment:

Marcus van der Meulen said...

Mr. Gramman, I found your analysis of the piece quite brusque, and I feel that you could have flushed out your ideas more. I think that you could have expanded more on your opinions on how the two planes coincide or differ, or perhaps further explain your opinions on what you thought was a more suitable plane of parenthood. Overall, you have a good blog, but you could have elaborated more on the given issues.