Monday, April 19, 2010

Mohr Jenndurr

I don't know how incredibly recent this is, but one issue regarding sexuality this topic reminded me of was the American Idol season in which Adam Lambert was defeated by Kris Allen in the season finale. I am in no way shape or form a dedicated "Idol" fan, but I do remember there being a particular uproar over the fact that Lambert was supposedly not chosen as American Idol because he was gay. I know very little beyond this about the situation, but I think it can be taken two ways. The first would be that it's pretty sad how our society has sunk quite low in judging a person not by the quality of their singing and performing abilities, but by their sexuality. The second would be that it's pretty sad how our society has sunk quite low in creating the "sexuality card" to go along with the race card. The boy who cried racism can now also be the boy who cried sexualityism (help on that word anybody?) and this becomes incredibly problematic, as it becomes harder and harder to fire certain segments of the population because of accusations of bigotry. Do I have any idea which is true? Absolutely not. I'm no judge of singing ability, so whether or not Lambert was more talented than Allen is a question I can't answer. But the real question coming out of this is what direction has our society gone from this and what can we do about it.

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