Friday, September 25, 2009

Veejooal Arguments

Visual arguments are by far the greatest influencing form of argument in existence. Nothing gets across a message like a good, impactful picture of whatever you happen to be talking about that. I remember going through drivers ed back in the day, and the class was extremely boring. I would sleep through all the teacher's lectures. I would skim the text to see if there was anything interesting, which there never was. However, one day I came to class and a video was shown of a man my teacher called "Mr Applesauce Face." If you haven't guessed. Mr Applesauce Face was a man who was not as careful as he should have been when he was driving, and as a result was found barely alive in his wreckage with a head that looked like, well, applesauce. This alone has made me a safer driver as well as totally convincing me of the power of Visual arguments.

1 comment:

Kwame Newton said...
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