Sunday, March 7, 2010

Iz Suhbsurrvyanse Nessecairy Four Lihveeng?

Like just about everything else on Planet Earth, subservience can be a good thing to grow up with at a moderate level. Every individual needs to be taught to a certain degree that it is important to have respect for people in a position more prominent than one's own, no matter how terrible that person may be. If one is taught to be subservient to a greater degree than necessary, that can be very dangerous, because it teaches the child to stay in said subservient role and not to have aspirations for an improved social or economic position. However, if there is no subservience taught at all from a young age, the benefits of living without it are really a flip of the coin. Some of the most powerful people in the world are where they are today because they refused to be subservient and do what they were told. They fought against establishment and won. But there are of course those who do not fare so well in fighting this establishment, such as many African Americans in the Jim Crow south. The system was so slanted against them that there was really no hope of success, and many of the people who refused to be subservient blacks to dominant whites lost their lives for it.

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