Thursday, March 25, 2010

Duh Toekevil

In his piece, Alexis de Tocqueville states his view that Americans look at women in a totally different manner than Europeans do. He believes that in the eyes of Americans, women are on a completely different plane almost totally unrelated to the plane upon which men operate. Whether or not this could create a position of superiority de Tocqueville did not know. But he was sure that this system did not compare to Europe, where women in the society were seen as equals. The main difference, de Tocqueville believed, was in the rights of women in the different countries. In Europe, not only were women treated equally, but they also had equal rights, where as in America, women were both treated differently and given different laws. de Tocqueville then finished the piece by predicting that because of their current inferiority, women would eventually attempt to rise up and achieve equality, something that proved to be true.

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