Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Haytread uhv jooz

Throughout the early part of his life, Richard had the idea of hating the Jewish people engrained into his mind, and stated that it was his "cultural heritage" to do so. The primary reason for the harboring of this disdain is the hardcore Christianity of all of his relatives. In the Bible, Jesus was killed on the cross by Jews, and so Richard's Christian relatives view Jews as the killers of Christ. Richard mentions that this belief was bread from childhood, which an interesting parallel to the prejudices held against him. Most white southern Americans at the time had been taught since birth about black people being inferior and lesser, and so the society as a whole continued to hold that belief for quite some time. This only further proves that prejudice is a cyclical belief of a whole society that gets passed down by generation, no matter how little substance there is to the beliefs.

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