Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hamlet Interpretation That Will Get Me Into AP English

In lines 81-119 of Hamlet's first scene, Marcellus states that he wants to sit down and discuss the reasoning behind some of the things being done in the kingdom. The questions he poses are:
Why has a strict guard schedule been put in place?
Why are so many bronze cannons currently being manufactured in Denmark?
Why are weapons from foreign lands being bought?
Why do the shipbuilders seem so busy?
He wonders if there is some upcoming event that warrants all this work, and wants someone to explain all of this to him. Horatio then says that he can describe some of the rumors that have come up in the recent past. He then recalls the time where King Fortinbras of Norway challenged the late King Hamlet to a battle. King Hamlet slew Fortinbras, who lost all of his territories as the result of the loss of his life, as was the agreement. But recently, Fortinbras' son, also named Fortinbras, has gathered together a rough group of warriors together who are willing to regain control over the elder King Fortinbras' lost territories and will take food as payment. This is why, Horatio says, that there is such a commotion in Denmark.